Friday, May 16, 2008


Steve had his first solo flight today. I was a little nervous but he was not at all, saying "I'm actually quite comfortable with it". He did great though --- no need to worry.

He did three take-offs and landings, and some maneuvers over the airport itself. The kids and I were able to go out on the tarmac and watch all of this.

Waving to the kids standing just a few feet from the airplane. O was jumping up and down shouting "I scared! I scared!" as soon as the engine started.


Katrina said...

Katrina u r so cute!!! omg!!!

Katrina said...

steve I love the hole in the front ************ HAHA

R Clan said...

Glad he didn't crash! =) lol I'd be so nervous if my dh was up doing that! You are brave!