Monday, September 15, 2008

SkyFest 2008

This weekend, Cedar City hosted a sky fest. For 3 days, we got to wake up to the sight of hot air balloons invading the skies.The balloons would take off early in the morning

...and once they were safely on ground, radio controlled airplanes hit the skies.

Some of them even dropped candy from the skies!

Saturday evening was filled with "balloon glow", dancing and fun!

Even Henry got to come :)

It got pretty hot being so close......but we had a great time

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stars, galaxies and the Lake

We finally made it up to Navajo Lake. It's only about 26 miles up the mountain and is beautiful. Now that we realize how close it is to us, we will definitely be making more trips up there.

Just a nice, relaxing afternoon - O eating the chips while the other kids are on the raft.

This is K and her friend J
as they set of on an adventure - ...before realizing that they don't have oars or a rope. About this time, they were yelling at each other to kick and "go that way!" They were awfully afraid of falling off the small raft as they thought there might be a water snake in the water. But, ...they did fall, and went back in
the water again. No water snakes today.

K and I went to a Star Gazing Party at the Cedar Breaks National Monument. Although we were a little freaked out driving up the mountain, just the two of us at night, we had a great time. From professional star gazers with amazingly HUGE telescopes to self professed "star geaks" with home made, but still amazing, telescopes.

We got a good view of Jupiter and three of its moons, Uranus, nebula's, the Andromeda Galaxy and lots of old, new, and fabulous stars.

Steve has been working very hard

...doing what he loves

He passed his FAA exam's to be an Instrument Rated Pilot.
He now gets to wear some stripes on his shoulders...
He won't be mistaken as a missionary missing his companion anymore...

I've been trying to catch Steve in his "new" uniform... - but this is the best I could do...

Next up is his Commercial class. We can't believe how blessed he has been to move along so quickly.