Baby is born
Adelaide Pearl Price joined our family on Tuesday July 21st, 2009 - weighing 7 lb's 4 oz and measuring 19 inches long. What an amazing joy she brought us.
Elisa celebrated her 8th birthday just 3 days later. Grandpa Price came down to see baby Adelaide and to celebrate Elisa's birthday.
On July 24th, Elisa's birthday, the kids got to march in the parade with Steve for the pilot school. Olivia rode inside the plane going down mainstreet as he kids threw candy out - while me and baby enjoyed a quiet morning at home. Later Aunt Stephanie and Ethan came down to visit and everyone went to the movies later that night.
Two weeks later, Grandma Price and Aunt Danielle and Uncle Kyle came to visit. The kids continued to have swim practice 5 days a week and have a few more swim meets. Life was a little crazy, but great!
Elisa's Birthday Party
Elisa celebrated her 8th birthday just 3 days later. Grandpa Price came down to see baby Adelaide and to celebrate Elisa's birthday.
On July 24th, Elisa's birthday, the kids got to march in the parade with Steve for the pilot school. Olivia rode inside the plane going down mainstreet as he kids threw candy out - while me and baby enjoyed a quiet morning at home. Later Aunt Stephanie and Ethan came down to visit and everyone went to the movies later that night.
Two weeks later, Grandma Price and Aunt Danielle and Uncle Kyle came to visit. The kids continued to have swim practice 5 days a week and have a few more swim meets. Life was a little crazy, but great!
Elisa's Birthday Party
In the end of August, Grandma, aunt Stephanie, Ashley and Ethan came for another visit. We managed to take a trip up to Navajo Lake while they were here.
Because it was easier for all of us to travel up to SL than for the family to all travel down here, we decided to have Elisa's baptism and Adelaide's blessing up there where we could be close to family and friends.
It was great to be back. Elisa had a beautiful service - Katrina played a violin solo after the baptism.
After the baptism, we had a picnic at the park. Here Elisa is holding up her cake that the girls from Achievement Days made for her.
Pictures in St. George
Since our weekend went by so fast, I felt I had really not had a good chance to take pictures of these very special occasions. So yesterday, after church, the kids and I drove to St. George to take some pictures on the temple grounds.
Because it was easier for all of us to travel up to SL than for the family to all travel down here, we decided to have Elisa's baptism and Adelaide's blessing up there where we could be close to family and friends.
It was great to be back. Elisa had a beautiful service - Katrina played a violin solo after the baptism.
After the baptism, we had a picnic at the park. Here Elisa is holding up her cake that the girls from Achievement Days made for her.
Pictures in St. George
Since our weekend went by so fast, I felt I had really not had a good chance to take pictures of these very special occasions. So yesterday, after church, the kids and I drove to St. George to take some pictures on the temple grounds.
Love the new background, and all the great photos of the kids! Adelaide is becoming so alert! What a sweetie!!
BTW, we changed back to the other team. We like the coach and the time...they swim from 4:30 to 5:30. I like getting into bed ontime! Take care!
The pictures are beautiful. It makes me long for my digital camera that broke. You are busy, amazing that you had time to have a baby!!!
What a beautiful family. Your baby is so gorgeous. Looks like you stayed quite busy. You must be a super mom. BTW I am down 16 pounds. WOOHOO
We had no idea you guy's had another one on the way! Congratulations! She is beautiful! The kids have grown up so much since we last saw you! Karlee keeps asking to play with Katrina. We need to get together some time! We miss you guy's and we're glad things seem to be going so well for you!
Hannah, I can't believe you are a mother to 5! Congratulations! Your oldest girl is just beautiful. They all are just cute. Sounds like you are super busy. Life never stops!
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